
Conveniently located on Seven Mile Beach, Grand Cayman

Nurse Kelly | CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is FDA-cleared for the treatment of stubborn fat in different body areas such as under the chin, under the jawline, thighs, bra line, abdomen, flank, back, upper arms, and buttocks. The procedure kills fat cells in the target area by freezing them. Over time, your body naturally flushes out the dead fat cells through the liver, reducing the appearance of visible fat bulges in the treated area.


Are you considering an FDA-approved method of fat removal in certain parts of your body with minimal downtime? Consider a visit to Nurse Kelly at Cayman Doctors to achieve a well-toned body. Call 1 (345) 943-6363   to know more about CoolSculpting or book an appointment online. We are located at West Shore Center (Pink Plaza), 508 West Bay Road, PO Box 32078, Grand Cayman KY1-1208, Cayman Islands, B.W.I.


Schedule a consultation with one of our highly trained and experienced practitioners at Cayman Doctors now to gain more understanding about the CoolSculpting procedure.

Fast Facts

Who’s it for?

CoolSculpting is indicated for patients with stubborn fat, cellulite, and double chin.


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Celebs who swear by it:

Jennifer Aniston, Kris Jenner, Mariah Carey and Kim Kardashian

What is CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is a fat-reduction treatment that makes use of a state-of-the-art cooling technology called Cryolipolysis to permanently eliminate fat cells in the target area. This technology freezes fat cells at extreme temperatures, resulting in cell breakdown and cell death. Over time, your body naturally flushes out the dead fat cells through the liver, reducing the appearance of visible fat bulges and improving the contour of the treated area.

How CoolSculpting works

Nurse Kelly | CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting uses Cryolipolysis technology to freeze fat cells to death. When exposed to cold temperatures, the fat cells crystallize, and their membrane ruptures. This in turn reduces the number of fat cells in the target area. The dead fat cells are then flushed out of the body through the liver. Over time, the treated area achieves a new and improved contour.


Advantages of CoolSculpting?

Cayman Doctors has the only FDA approved CoolSculpting System in the Cayman Islands. 

  • Shorter recovery time: The procedure is non-invasive and does not require surgery, allowing you to return to your normal routine afterward.
  • Minimal discomfort: The cooling sensations from the freezing applicator produce a numbing effect, thus, reducing discomfort.
  • Quick procedure: Depending on the area being treated, each treatment applicator usually takes 35 minutes to complete.
  • Numerous indications: Its state-of-the-art cooling technology can treat stubborn fat, cellulite, and double chin.
  • Compatible with all skin types: The treatment produces uniform results for all skin types and tones.
  • High level of safety: The device safely exposes stubborn fat bulges to controlled and precise cooling without causing damage or injury to the surrounding skin tissue.
Nurse Kelly | CoolSculpting Nurse Kelly | CoolSculpting

Risks and complications of CoolSculpting

Like any non-surgical procedure, CoolSculpting also has risks and complications such as:


  • Decreased sensation in the targeted area
  • Pain or aching
  • Rashes
  • Skin discoloration
  • Temporary irritation
  • Paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH) a firm, painless mass in the treated area.  Incidence is very rare 0.025%

Nurse Kelly CoolSculpting’s experience ensures that the treatment has a high level of safety and efficacy. In addition, our practitioners at Cayman Doctors conduct a detailed health assessment of all the potential candidates before the treatment to ensure optimal results.

What to expect before CoolSculpting

Nurse Kelly | CoolSculpting

Before the treatment, Nurse Kelly will provide specific instructions to ensure the best clinical outcomes. These include the following:


  • Avoid anti-inflammatory blood thinning medications one week before the procedure.
  • These include medications such as Aspirin and other NSAIDs, Vitamin E, Fish oil, Gingko Biloba, Ginseng, and St. John’s Wart.
  • Your treatment could last a few hours, so please eat before your appointment.
  • Consider taking Arnica tablets 1 week prior to the procedure to prevent bruising. You may purchase Arnica from health stores.
  • Do not apply creams or lotions to treatment areas.

What to expect during CoolSculpting

The Day of Treatment

  • Do not apply creams or lotions to treatment areas.
  • Wear comfortable clothing that allows easy access to the treatment area.
  • CoolSculpting can take several hours, depending on your treatment plan.
  • As the procedure begins, a vacuum/suction applicator draws tissue into an applicator. The vacuum pressure may cause deep pulling, tugging, and pinching sensations in the treated areas. A surface applicator may cause sensations of pressure. You also may experience intense stinging, tingling, aching, and cramping. These sensations generally subside as the areas become numb.


CoolSculpting immediately post treatment and recovery time

Whether you had Coolsculpting on your inner thighs or Coolsculpting on the abdomen, you can immediately resume your normal day-to-day activities after the treatment. All minor side effects will subside and you will begin to notice the results of the treatment. You will need to follow up with Nurse Kelly to determine if additional treatments are necessary.

  • Immediately after the procedure, your treated areas may look or feel stiff, and transient blanching (temporary skin whitening) may occur.
  • The treatment area may be red and feel tingly, stingy, or itchy for a few hours after removing the applicator. This is an expected but temporary effect after the CoolSculpting procedure.
  • Bruising, swelling, and tenderness can occur in the treated areas. This typically resolves within a week or two.
  • Following the procedure, some may experience late-onset pain. This typically occurs 5-7 days post-treatment and can last up to a few days. Some experience intense cramping and tingling in the area.
  • During the first two weeks following the procedure, you may experience one or more of the following sensations: deep itching. Tingling, numbness, tenderness to the touch, pain in the treated areas, strong cramping, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, muscle spasms, aching, and/or soreness.
  • There is some pain and discomfort when the applicator is removed, and the tissue begins to warm up.

Condition treated by CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is a safe and effective method of freezing fat cells in body areas with stubborn fat. Evidence suggests that this non-surgical procedure can help address different types of fat tissue in the body.


Stubborn fat is a type of fat that you find impossible to lose even if you commit to a healthy diet and regular exercise. This is because stubborn fat is more resistant to fat burning and only functions as a store of energy for the body. As a result, you may find it extremely challenging to remove.


CoolSculpting can break down stubborn fat bulges, resulting in improved body contour. By using controlled cooling technology, the fat cells will freeze to death and will be naturally eliminated by the body. In just a few months, you may notice a dramatic improvement in the appearance of the treated area.


A study reviewed the medical charts of patients who underwent cryolipolysis (CoolSculpting) on the abdomen, flank, upper arm, inner thigh, or outer thigh. [1] Each patient received one cycle of CoolSculpting for 60 minutes at a temperature of 11°C. After the treatment, a manual massage was performed. Results showed a significant reduction in the fat layer thickness of the upper arm, abdomen, and flank with no adverse effects observed.


Twenty‐seven patients underwent 3-4 cycles of CoolSculpting per body area during an initial treatment session and an additional 3-4 cycles after 4 weeks. [2] Improvements in body contour were measured using skinfold thickness. After 12 weeks, the patients had a significant reduction in skinfold thickness compared to baseline. Moreover, patient satisfaction was high with no adverse events recorded.


Eleven nonobese adults with an average body mass index of 22.5 kg/m2 were enrolled in a study. [3] All of the subjects received two CoolSculpting treatments and the improvement in the appearance of the abdominal muscles was assessed. Other factors such as adverse events and patient satisfaction scores were also recorded. After the treatment period, all of the subjects had improved abdominal muscle appearance and reported a high satisfaction rate. Overall, the treatment was well tolerated and did not produce adverse effects.


Treatment Options

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive treatment that helps break down stubborn fat, resulting in improved body contour.


Cellulite results from increased fat deposits underneath the skin which creates an uneven surface or a dimpling appearance. This unpleasant skin condition can occur in different body areas such as the thighs, hips, buttocks, and abdomen. By eliminating the fat deposits underneath the skin, CoolSculpting can significantly reduce the appearance of cellulite.


A comprehensive review has reported the safety and efficacy profile of cryolipolysis in reducing the fat excess (cellulite) in different body areas such as the arms, back, thighs, and abdomen. [4]  The study evaluated the effects of cryolipolysis on 464 body sites within 3 years. It was found that the treatment was associated with a 25-30% improvement in the appearance of cellulite, skin texture, and skin elasticity.


In order to further optimize patient outcomes, cryolipolysis was used following surgical procedures such as tummy tuck, liposuction, or breast augmentation. [5]  Interestingly, the study reported that cryolipolysis in combination with other noninvasive body treatment options, such as radiofrequency therapy and Cellfina (which uses microblade to break up fat), can significantly reduce the appearance of cellulite. In addition, this combination also produced skin-tightening effects.


Forty-four overweight individuals were recruited in a study. [6] The subjects were randomly divided into two groups. Group A received radiofrequency, low-level laser, and ultrasound treatment while group B received cryolipolysis with radiofrequency and ultrasound treatment. Both groups exhibited reductions in weight, body mass index (BMI), waist, abdomen circumference, trunk fat, and the appearance of cellulite.


Treatment Options

CoolSculpting reduces the appearance of cellulite by targeting the fat deposits underneath the skin.


A double chin, also known as submental fat, is characterized by the build-up of a layer of fat below your chin. This condition is often associated with several factors such as weight gain, genetics, and aging skin. CoolSculpting can freeze the fat cells in the double chin area to achieve a more defined jawline.


Ten healthy participants with submental fat were treated using a cryolipolysis contact device. [7] The patients’ body weight was measured and photographs were taken before and after the treatment. After 8 weeks, the participants were examined using an ultrasound to measure the depth of the fat layer in the chin. Results showed that most of the participants had a reduction of submental fat after 8 weeks of treatment.


Thirty-nine patients with submental and lateral neck fat were treated with cryolipolysis. [8] All patients received 3 treatment sessions. Photographs were taken before and after the treatment. A comparison of before-and-after photos of the patients showed a significant reduction in submental and lateral neck fat at 3 months with no serious adverse reactions observed.


The efficacy of cryoplipolysis on visible local fat reduction in the submental region, arms, or male breasts was assessed in thirty-six subjects. [9] The subjects underwent a physical examination as well as photographic and ultrasound analysis before and three months after the treatment. Results showed a mean fat reduction of 19.1% in the submental region, arms, and male breasts.


Treatment Options

CoolSculpting utilizes controlled cooling technology to eliminate fat cells and reduce the appearance of a double chin, resulting in a more defined jawline.

Question & Answer

Are there discomforts associated with CoolSculpting?

During the procedure, you may feel sensations of deep pulling, tugging, and pinching as the applicator passes over the treated area. You may also experience cramping, stinging, or tingling sensations. As the freezing applicator delivers controlled cooling, the treated area will temporarily become numb, thus reducing any discomfort.

Will the fat come back after CoolSculpting?

The treatment permanently eliminates the fat cells in the treated area. However, you will still need to maintain a healthy weight after the treatment because significant weight gain can compromise your results.

How long does it take to see CoolSculpting results?

You may begin to notice the results 1 to 3 months after the treatment. However, you will need to wait 4 months to see the final results.

How many CoolSculpting treatments will I need?

The treatment permanently destroys approximately 25% of the exposed fat cells in the treated area but this is enough to produce significant body contouring improvement. While you may benefit from one treatment, you may need two treatment sessions to achieve the best results. The number of treatments you will need will depend on the amount of fat in the target area.

Are there any side effects associated with CoolSculpting?

After the treatment, you may experience mild discomforts such as redness, bruising, numbness, or swelling. You may apply ice packs to the treated area to minimize any discomfort. After 1 to 2 weeks, these discomforts should resolve completely.

Will I lose weight with CoolSculpting?

It is important to keep in mind that the treatment is not a weight loss solution. While CoolSculpting contours the treated area by delivering controlled and precise cooling to the fat cells, you will still need to commit to a healthy lifestyle after the treatment because significant weight gain can compromise your results.

Who are the ideal candidates for CoolSculpting?

The treatment is compatible with all skin types and tones. As long as you are in good overall physical and mental health, the treatment is right for you. However, you are not an ideal candidate for the treatment if you have the following:

  • A significant amount of fat in a body area
  • Cold agglutinin disease (a red blood cell disorder)
  • Cryoglobulinemia (the presence of abnormal proteins in the blood)
  • Paroxysmal cold hemoglobulinuria (a rare blood disorder that attacks red blood cells)
  • Unrealistic expectations


  1. Oh, C. H., Shim, J. S., Bae, K. I., & Chang, J. H. (2020). Clinical application of cryolipolysis in Asian patients for subcutaneous fat reduction and body contouring. Archives of plastic surgery, 47(1), 62–69. Retrieved from
  2. McKeown, D. J., & Payne, J. (2021). Significant improvement in body contour with multiple cycles of CoolSculpting: Results of a prospective study. Dermatologic therapy, 34(2), e14850. Retrieved from
  3. Lim, T., Ding, S. W., Chua, C. H., & Moey, H. X. (2021). Enhancing the Appearance of the “Six-Pack” Muscles Using Cryolipolysis: A Safe and Effective Method. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 148(4), 775–779. Retrieved from
  4. Putra, I. B., Jusuf, N. K., & Dewi, N. K. (2019). Utilisation of Cryolipolysis among Asians: A Review on Efficacy and Safety. Open access Macedonian journal of medical sciences, 7(9), 1548–1554. Retrieved from
  5. Few, J., Saltz, R., Beaty, M., Kelly, M., Movassaghi, K., Marcus, K. A., Sieber, D., Burns, A. J., & Sangha, S. (2020). Cryolipolysis: Clinical Best Practices and Other Nonclinical Considerations. Aesthetic surgery journal. Open forum, 2(2), ojaa010. Retrieved from
  6. Naeimi, M. et al. (2019) Treatment by cryolipolysis with radio-frequency and ultrasound cavitation combination is no more effective in improving indices of adiposity than radio-frequency and ultrasound cavitation alone, Translational Metabolic Syndrome Research. Elsevier. Retrieved from
  7. Suh, D. H., Park, J. H., Jung, H. K., Lee, S. J., Kim, H. J., & Ryu, H. J. (2018). Cryolipolysis for submental fat reduction in Asians. Journal of cosmetic and laser therapy : official publication of the European Society for Laser Dermatology, 20(1), 24–27. Retrieved from
  8. Rodopoulou, S., Gavala, M. I., & Keramidas, E. (2020). Three-dimensional Cryolipolysis for Submental and Lateral Neck Fat Reduction. Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open, 8(4), e2789. Retrieved from
  9. de Gusmão, P. R., Canella, C., de Gusmão, B. R., Filippo, A. A., & Filippo, G. R. (2020). Cryolipolysis for local fat reduction in adults from Brazil: A single-arm intervention study. Journal of cosmetic dermatology, 19(11), 2898–2905. Retrieved from